About Us

A local internet provider with the technology of the big guys and a heart for the community. The most capable internet nerds who you can depend on sun or storm. We take pride in bringing people, business, and organizations together. After all, that is what being part of a community is all about!

Edmunds Exchange

Grace City Exchange

Medina Exchange

Bowdon Exchange

Sykeston Exchange

Ypsilanti Exchange

Windsor Exchange

Woodworth Exchange

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TV App How To

Need help with your new Dakota Central TV? Check out our video tutorial to help you navigate the app!

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Friendly reminder: Old TV equipment won’t be supported after December 31, 2024. To make this transition as easy as possible, we’re offering another round of TV classes to answer your questions and ensure a smooth upgrade.

View Class Schedule Here!


There have been numerous email accounts compromised recently following scam emails that have gone out with a link to update account information, or other prompts along those lines. DO NOT click the links in these emails and enter your account information, or your email account will be hacked!

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